Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Passports Application Process Completed

After a slight delay to get a correct copy of Mike's birth certificate, our passport application process is complete.  Debbie had to renew her passport, due to her name change (from Guinn to Martinez) and Mike had to apply for his first ever passport. Please pray for speedy processing of these applications and that we receive them by the end of the month so that we will have ample time to get our visas for the DRC.

Next up on the agenda is sending out those support letters.  Then the excitement begins as God begins to bring people--you--on board as part of our team, joining this mission through prayer and financial support.

Mike and Debbie


  1. Looking forward to receiving your support letter so Roger and I can get in on the action!!

  2. Thank you, Lana! I've got you on the list. :)
