Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Update: Joy in the Midst of Frustrations

My heart has been bittersweet the past few days after two dear friends went to spend eternity with Jesus, over the weekend.  I rejoice in knowing they are free from the physical and emotional pains of this world, yet I miss them deeply...as I know their family members do, as well.  Last night, though, my focus was turned toward our trip to the Congo, as I shared with a group of women from our church about our trip.

I awoke this morning, with excitement because I was going to have another opportunity to share at our women's Bible study group and would later go get my last remaining shot that is needed in order to go to the DRC.  The enemy loves to bring frustration and despair any time we are following God and He has certainly been at work in this journey.  Amid this morning's anticipation of sharing about our mission, I received an email from the National Passport Center stating, " In order to continue processing your request, please submit the following:  
·         Your certified marriage certificate from a previous marriage or a certified court order to show how you acquired the name Tolliver Guinn, Debbie as shown on your marriage certificate."

WHAT???  My previous marriage was dissolved over 17 years ago. The last time I remember seeing that marriage certificate was when I was asked to hand it to the judge the day my divorce was final.  I didn't need it to get my original passport in 2010. Why would I need it now to change my name after marrying, this summer?  And why am I just now getting this notice when our passports should be getting here this week???

As you might imagine, I had these and many other questions racing through my mind like a freight train storming through town, during the middle of the night.  Then, God stopped me, reminding me that He ordained this trip and He will work all things out for it to take place. He also reminded me that I was heading out to share our mission with a group of praying women and I now had a very specific request to share with them. What great timing!!!

As I shared with the women this morning, I did share this immediate need...the need to have this issue resolved and that I might find favor with the passport agent when they return my call...which they have not done, as of this writing.

While I was at the church, I received additional forms some of you had sent (most with checks), indicating you wanted to join our support team.  Once I returned home, Mike and I sat side by side, making note of the names on those forms.  As we did, a flood of emotions swept over me...love, peace, humbleness, assurance, thankfulness, joy, and more.  I really don't know how to put into words how it felt knowing that so many of you listened as God spoke to your hearts and obeyed in such big ways. When we felt God stirring our hearts to accept this mission, we knew time was short for raising the financial funds (among other things) but we knew that God could and would provide.  We began sending out letters exactly 10 days ago and God has provided over half of our support...through your obedience.  We cannot thank you enough and we stand in awe of what He is doing through you!!

So, while the enemy would like to discourage us with the glitch in my passport renewal, God reminded us in a huge way this morning that He called us to this mission, He is in charge, and He will work through this and in this. If He can raise the amount of money He has in 10 days, He can certainly take care of getting our passports and visas here in the limited time available!

One other bit of news:  The health department was hesitant to give me my yellow fever shot--required by the DRC--due to medication I take for MS.  However, I received the okay by my MS doctor to have the shot and will get it this afternoon.  God trumps the enemy again!!

Please pray for the passport issue to be resolved quickly. I have ordered a copy of the requested marriage certificate and my dad will pick it up and express mail it to me, tomorrow.  Pray they complete the passport process quickly once they receive the certificate (Friday) and we receive it next week.  Pray the visa process goes quickly so we receive them in time to leave, between March 22-24, as planned.  Pray for the rest of the financial need to come in. Pray we keep our focus on God, not on circumstances. Pray we stand against the enemies attacks on us personally!

Thank you again and again for your prayers and financial support.

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